Library of The Universe
Stories from around the Cosmos
06-Mar-2025 // Library page up!
there's actually nothing here
lmao proof of concept type shit

still Under construction - a quick message!

so i am actually super busy with university work, as in i have essays i really should be writing LMAO. so this page's progression will be super slow for like the next few months or so while i actually do my assignments lol. i'll try get a few pages up before the end of march, like the plot page and maybe a profile, but alas, i cannot predict the future, so i am unsure if im going to be able to LMAOO. anyways, use your imagination for now :D

more or less using this as a proof of concept for now :D

What is the Library of The Universe?

The Library of The Universe is the dramatic name that I have given to the page that I plan to hold all of my stories pertaining to my characters! This includes the main overarching storyline, as well as pages for specific characters with their own backstories as well as seperate stories they're in!

''The Plot'' is essentially where I will be compiling the quote-unquote 'main plot' of the universe. I've been slowly adding to this plot ever since I began making characters, but it seems to have gotten away from me a bit as the years have gone on and I've added more and more characters. So expect the first few renditions to be incredibly confusing and unnecessarily filled with tangents and side stories that have no relation to the main plot.

''Favs'' is just a page with links to my favourite stories of characters I have!

''Browse'' is a page that should have the links to all of the avaliable stories within the Library!

The ''Home'' tab takes you back to the site's home page!

What to expect!

Okay, so I am by no means any good at writing, I know absolutely nothing about anything when it comes to being a good writer and making a good story. Most of the stories on here are vague cliches and tropey tropes, and most of them are old, and have probably been rewritten on the spot with absolutely no thoughts given to anything.. Also they just kind of suck, but they're mine and I'm sentimental so they're here to stay! Plus I'm bad at spelling LMAO

Every name mentioned should be a link to their personal library page, though don't bet on it as I am not only forgetful, I am lazy >:)

Comment Box!

Please feel free to leave a comment expressing whatever you like! The only thing I ask is that you don't leave critisisms about my stories or characters - I'm aware of how ass they are, you don't need to remind me lol