The Plot
The Plot
Library of The Universe
06-Mar-2025 // first chapter out!
06-Mar-2025 // half the second chapter out!
21-Mar-2025 // back to top button added!

a quick message!

ok so like I said on the main page, this main overarching plot has been muddled in with a bunch of other stories from characters that aren't really that related to the main plot, so the first few initial renditions of this will be, quite frankly, ass. so bear with me while I gather my thoughts and actually write a plot that makes sense and is cohesive :D

oh and ignore how god awful the story and writing actually is. anyways, enjoy!

also i refuse to actually choose whether i want to write it like im writing a book or whether im writing it like im telling a friend what happened last week so enjoy that LMAOO

Chapter links!

In The Beginning...

Before this universe, and it's many realities, exploded into life, there was a sole rogue reality, hosting one of the most corrupt and vile laboratory companies, EcoLab. Now, there is a reason for such name calling, as the main goal that this lab has set out for itself is to create biological weapons of war that it can seel to not only the Earth government, but governments of other planets. Of course, getting a biological source that's already alive and functioning on a human sentience level is difficult, so naturally as all evil lab corporations do, they use children. Whether they be from orphanages or from actual loving families, EcoLab decided that it would be sustainable, these kids were young, genetically modifying them and molding their way of thinking would be easy, and if they didn't let slip that they were using people's children, it would probably also be ethical, but who knows.

Now, while EcoLab was in it's prime of business, they managed to create one of the most powerful creatures in the entirety of their operating time. This, naturally, would be the source of EcoLab's subsequent downfall. The creation dubbed themselves "Dragon", not initialy to create 'deez nuts' jokes, but because they thought it was cool, and this is not at all related to fact I created this character when I was 6 years old.

Alas, not to time skip, but only really the ending of this story is relevent to the rest of plot. Eventually at some point during EcoLab's lifespan within this reality, an employee of theirs decided he'd give day drinking a go, and managed to miss a vital dose of chemicals to keep the children docile. This led to chaos, as children with abilites and powers unseen by the public flooded the streets. The police and other various governmental agencies were called, and this led to certain staff within EcoLab to begin purging what they could; burning files, trashing computers, and more importantly, killing the creations within the facility. In the end, they got to the majority of kids left inside of the laboratory, including Dragon, and her friend and later wife, Willow.

Out of pure rage, fury, and anger after watching the only friend she had get brutally murdered, Dragon managed to break the laws of the universe to begin her own. However, she was still a child at this point, and she was not fully in control of her abilities, and so pulled through 3 things from her previous life; Willow, the Earth, and EcoLab. She didn't mean to have EcoLab accompany her to this new universe, but it was the only thing she truly knew, although all conditioned respect she had for the institute was gone, and the second she realised what she had done, she cast them from the reality, leading it to become a parasite on another, but that wasn't her problem, not yet at least.

At long last, you now have the context for where my characters live, and how so many realities came to be. You also now know of who other deities refer to as ''Oblivian''. Dragon, it's Dragon. She came from nowhere, created a universe, and now sits as one of the most, if not the most, powerful deity there. Good for her!

In a Reality, Far, Far Away...

A long while after the initial creation of the universe, a reality bloomed into life, and for several millennia, life continued along it's set timeline, continuing the same trend as the other realities that surrounded it.

However, at some point the timeline deviated, or rather, turned out to be different. This reality was about to become the center of events that would, for the most part, effect nothing outside of the reality's boundries, but it would effect the lives of those within, and that's what is important here. mostly...


After the Metal-Men realised their mistake with the Titans, they pivoted to creating a military force more centered around helping people, rather than decimating civilisations. The Metal-Man government decided it would be a good idea to commission a group of around 12 scientists to privately, and rather quite secretly, genetically engineer 5 ''super-humans''. The intention behind this was to create 5 soldiers that would be able to withstand extreme conditions with minimal gear. The idea was that one of these soldiers would be able to venture through a blizzard to deliver supplies and aid to those stuck, with only normal issue military gear, for example.

After a few years of hardwork from the scientists, eventually, the plan would come to fruition, and the scientists had genetically grown and engineered 5 childern. Now of course, they were children, and still needed to be raised before they could actually begin to do what they were created for, the only issue being that the Metal-Man government didn't want to take on this role, and insisted that the scientists were responsible for the children until they were old enough to be put to use. This is not what the scientists signed up for, and the majority of them abandoned ship, leaving only 3 scientists, whose empathy got the better of them, to look after the children. Understandably, this job sucked for the first few years, and considering these scientists were basically supposed to give up their outer life in order to look after these children, they began to resent them, despite their initial empathy. The Metal-Man government did pay these people, though very little, and did provide food and supplies for the first 10 years of these children's lives.

At this point, these scientists were exhausted, looking after 5 children who increasingly became stronger as they got older was no easy feat. This became an issue when the Imps came looking for some shiny new creatures to use as pawns in their little scheme against the Egro Empire.

On a relatively calm and average night, the Imps set in motion their plan to obtain these 5 children, essentially going about it in a very Imp-like fashion, by using brute-force. They raided the lab, or rather, ran around the halls till they located where the scientists and children were hiding. The scientists did try to defend the children, they didn't want the last 10 years of their lives to go to waste, and they also didn't want to know what the Metal-Man government would do if the products of their experiments were to be taken by the Imps. Well, they never found out, as during the raid, the Imps only had one goal, and that was to take the children by any means, and what are 3 measly scientists going to do against an entire band of Imps? Die. That's what they're going to do... so...

to be continued...